Homeschool Enrichment Days at Camp Fireside:
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Grades K-6, $50 per day
Spring Session:
Tuesdays: Feb 4 - May 27 ($750)
Thursdays: Feb 6 - May 29 ($750)
Both days: Feb 4 - May 29 ($1500)
NO CAMP: 2/25, 2/27, 4/22, 4/24
Drop-off the kids for a day of learning and fun! Activities will include Bible lessons, crafts, outdoor exploration, free play, STEM projects and more. EFA Funds can be accepted. Price includes snack and all activities, bring your own lunch. Enrich your child's homeschool experience at Camp Fireside!
Questions? E-mail [email protected]
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Grades K-6, $50 per day
Spring Session:
Tuesdays: Feb 4 - May 27 ($750)
Thursdays: Feb 6 - May 29 ($750)
Both days: Feb 4 - May 29 ($1500)
NO CAMP: 2/25, 2/27, 4/22, 4/24
Drop-off the kids for a day of learning and fun! Activities will include Bible lessons, crafts, outdoor exploration, free play, STEM projects and more. EFA Funds can be accepted. Price includes snack and all activities, bring your own lunch. Enrich your child's homeschool experience at Camp Fireside!
Questions? E-mail [email protected]
Payment Policy:
A $50 deposit is due at the time of registration. Payment in full before the start of the session is preferred. If a session is paid in full by the 1st of the month the session begins, a 10% discount will be applied. If not paid in full, the session cost will be broken down into monthly payments and billed on the 1st of each month during the session
A $50 deposit is due at the time of registration. Payment in full before the start of the session is preferred. If a session is paid in full by the 1st of the month the session begins, a 10% discount will be applied. If not paid in full, the session cost will be broken down into monthly payments and billed on the 1st of each month during the session